The Kapha Dosha is made up of the elements earth and water. The common translation of Kapha is ‘that which binds or keeps things together’. Kapha dominant people when in balance are loving, calm and patient. They have a natural tendency to enjoy life. When out of balance they can lack motivation and resist change.
If you have a Kapha dominance you want your spaces to uplift and motivate you. Keep it clean, clear and bright. Natural light and greenery are really important.
If you are building or choosing somewhere to live, high ceilings and large open plan spaces will benefit you. You have the constitution to live in a busy city.
Choose colours to uplift and motivate you. Yellow and tangerine are energetic colours. Colours which are fresh, white and simple are also balancing. Avoid brown.
You have the option of using cooling materials such as concrete, stone and tiles on the walls and the floor. The walls can be thin such as timber frame with cladding.
Large openings with connection to the outside is helpful.
Keep your furniture and stuff to a minimum, make sure to declutter regularly.
Use invigorating essential oils like citrus and peppermint.